Destination Evalidation


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Opintotoiminnan Keskusliittory maintains a nationwide non-formal adult education centre OK-opintokeskus (OK Study Centre), whose mission is to support active citizenship and wellbeing through adult learning in a voluntary sector context. We provide training in the fields of active citizenship, NGO management, training skills, ICT skills and various other areas, educational support and guidance, study citrcle activities, projects, r&d activities, publications and arts events. We also provide continuing professional education to third sector employees. Most of our training activities are organised in tandem with our 68 member NGOs. In 2013 we reached around 150,00 learners in total. 

The study centre in monitored and mainly funded by the Finnish Ministry of Education, and employs ca. 30 full-time staff members, whose tasks include e.g. supporting its member organisations' educational activities pedagogically and financially.

We are specialised in training both volunteers and third-sector employees who supervise volunteers. For some years, one of our strategic goals has been to advance the validation of non-formal and informal adult learning in the voluntary sector.