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Kerigma –Innovation and Social Development, is a non-profit organization, founded in 1996, and its aim is to promote the integrated development of people, of organizations and the community, creating services, solutions and products of excellence that contribute to an active citizenship, solidarity and social cohesion. Oriented by the values of equality and social responsibility, innovation and empowerment of people and organizations, it develops its action on the domain of Promotion of Lifelong Learning, Psychosocial Support and Support to Employment and Entrepreneurship.

The domain of Lifelong Learning’s mission is to contribute to the development of the institutional policy for education and Lifelong Learning, promoting, in an institutional context, the relevance and flexibility of educational and formative answers in a context of a society of knowledge, that we want more qualified, fair and competitive, more tolerant and with a greater intercultural consciousness, having as strategic goals: the promotion of an integrated articulation space of initiatives for education and training; the affirmation of quality and the diversity of training evolutions; the valorization of the Recognition of prior Learning process; the qualification of education and training actors; the promotion of the qualification for  organizations; the promotion of quality and innovation in the curriculum domain, the methodologies, the learning resources and the processes of our educational offer; the planning, organization and execution of educational projects and mobility, in particular, in Europe. 
Vocational Training- In the field of vocational training, Kerigma has over a decade of training experience in initial and continuing training, alongside entities and assorted audiences, namely: Young people and adults, unemployed, employed and candidates for 1st employment, middle and top management, trainers; as well as interventions in domains as counseling and technical assistance to training projects, school and/or professional certification and evaluation studies of the needs and evaluation of training.

Centre for Qualification and Vocational Training- Kerigma is also a promoter of a Centre for Qualification and Vocational Training (CQEP) that started its activity in January 2005. The Centre for Qualification and Vocational Training has as its basis the vocational/ professional guidance and support to youngsters and adults; The recognition & validation of prior learning; the anticipation of skills demand and supply; bridging the gap among educational stakeholders and companies and reducing skills mismatch. In this service we receive, every year, about 800 applications.

Entrepreneurship support - Kerigma is an accredited institution, since 2011, by the IEFP (Institute for Employment and Vocational Training), for the development of Technical Support to entrepreneurship and self-employment and develops, in this area, the following activities: Business support, individual training education, mainly resorting to action-learning; consulting in situations of greater fragility in the managing or operation of initiatives, diagnosed during follow up.
Support for Social inclusion for Long Term Unemployed or for other people in risk of social exclusion- The Insertion company began its activities in 2002 and has as its primary objective to promote employability conditions of groups with particular difficulties in accessing the labour market, namely, Long Term Unemployed, through training in actual work context, in a logic of action-learning. We also develop network platforms with Roma people, by enabling them with skills and competences to work in the market job or within occupational activities.
Gender Equality Office – GIO - The GIO, working since 2003, has as its goal to promote Equal opportunities in all contexts, namely between Men and Women, developing actions as: support and counseling; information and awareness about Equal Opportunities; training of strategic audiences in Gender Equality; investigation and development of technical and psycho-pedagogical resources about the thematic of Gender Equality; support for women entrepreneurship. The intervention addresses individuals and organizations in the fields of: work, employment and professional training, the conciliation between family and professional life; violence in the family or workplace, sharing of decision processes, culture, education and health; women entrepreneurship.