Destination Evalidation


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The project will provide a web page with information about validation in a volunteering context, volunteers' experiences, links to a variety of tools used around Europe with summaries in English, and recommendations on how to best use web-based tools for the validation of volunteers' learning. The project will also contribute to partners' and their learners' perceptions of the validation of volunteers' skills and to partners' abilities to organize validation processes for their learners and other volunteers. As an indirect result both during the project and especially a..
The Level Matrix shows a description of volunteering skills relating to levels two to fivefrom the European Qualification Framework (EQF). For the development of this level matrix, the consortium used the analysis of the National Qualification Frameworks (NQFs) in relation with each other and the EQF as a basis. In addition, the consortium has considered the key competences for lifelong learning adopted by the European Commission (