The University of Paderborn is the University for the Information Society. Our strong foundation in computer science and its applications, as well as the importance of IT for a growing number of disciplines, are the pillars for this claim.
Opintotoiminnan Keskusliittory maintains a nationwide non-formal adult education centre OK-opintokeskus (OK Study Centre), whose mission is to support active citizenship and wellbeing through adult learning in a voluntary sector context.
The N.G.O. CO.P.E. is devoted to the international voluntary service and development cooperation. It was founded in 1983 and it is associated with FOCSIV (the Italian Federation of Christian Organizations of International Voluntary service). It was officially recognized by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs as International Cooperation Actor in 1987.
Alpha Vision is a small enterprise based in Varna, Bulgaria. It specialises in web development and design services and has a strong portfolio of websites, mobile websites and web-based applications.
Eco Communities is a social enterprise working in the fields of local development, heritage preservation and community participation and learning. It is also specialising in the reuse and recycling of all types of computer equipment.
Fundación CV Pacto Empleo Valencia (FCVPE) was created in 2005 by the City Hall of Valencia in agreement with the main social and public institutions of the Region of Valencia: the City Hall of Valencia, two main national Trade Unions (UGT and CC OO) and the main regional Employers' Organizations (CEV).
Provincial Directorate of Family and Social Policies has been established under the Ministry of Family and Social Policies. Ankara Provincial Directorate of Family and Social Policies is a local authority founded in 1983
Kerigma –Innovation and Social Development, is a non-profit organization, founded in 1996, and its aim is to promote the integrated development of people, of organizations and the community, creating services, solutions and products of excellence that contribute to an active citizenship, solidarity and social cohesion.
The Geography Society from Romania - Suceava Branch is a young organization from a legal point of view, it was founded on the 16th of June 2010, but the 47 members have been and are still part of the Society of Geography in Romania, founded in 1875, where there worked and are still working over 1200 members from all the counties of Romania, alongside personalities from the academic,research and education fields.