The Destination eValidation (DesTeVa) project wanted to find a way to recognise and validate volunteers’ informal learning and experiences in a way that they could be used to help a volunteer find employment, either as an unemployed person or as an economic migrant to a new country. With this in mind, the project had five main outputs:
- A review of existing validation tools and their structure in relation to the NQF (National Qualifications Framework)
- The development of a methodology for validation of volunteering experiences
- The creation of an online tool for validation of volunteering experiences
- Production of an eBook about volunteering validation tools, methodologies and their connection to the NQF and EQF (European Qualifications Framework)
- Engaging in stakeholders in seminars and a transnational conference.
The Validation tool has been completed and is already used for validating volunteering skills. Join Validation tool now.